Myths and Legends from Chiloé
Un proyecto financiado por la Dirección de Vinculación con el Medio de la
Universidad Austral de Chile

Marcelo Andrade is currently a Professor at Universidad Austral de Chile with a B.A. in English and a Master’s Degree in Higher Education. He has mainly been teaching at universities in Puerto Montt in the areas of Phonetics and Phonology, Writing, ELT methodology and ICT. He has also been a teacher trainer for different initiatives carried out by the Chilean Ministry of Education.

Orlando Nieto, Teacher of English, BA in English, BA in Education, and Master of Applied Linguistics is a professor at Universidad Austral de Chile, Puerto Montt. With 20 years of experience teaching at high school and university level, he is interested in reading comprehension as a tool to improve quality of education. With this work, he wishes to rescue the identity gathered in his native Puerto Montt.